Talk:Preparing perchlorates

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I am not editing talk about preparing perchlorates but just wondering when are they going to up date this page because it said something about update in progress. I am not a pyrotechnic in any way I have always wanted to do pyrotechnics but want to finish school. I am also vary interested in chemistry and thank you for providing me with this information. I am trying to build a cell and don't have to much money for a platinum electrode. I respect what you guy's do and hope you could help me out. If you have any safety precautions please tell me. I will never take a risk of hurt me or any one around me that is why i am taking this extra step to talk to you. Please tell me if there is any danger in running the cell. I will continue looking on the internet for other sources just to make sure I am safe. I just really enjoy chemistry and would love to build a cell but please let me know about safety!!! I will not continue with out people replies about safety. Also I read up where you should put the vent hoes in a bucket of water so the chlorine gas is less potent. I have done lots of research and is double checking.

          Thank You to everyone who replies.

This discussion may be suited better for the forum. You could post it there.--AdmiralDonSnider 02:48, 16 February 2009 (EST)

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